Jim McLaughlin Executive Producer at Sparks Milling Digital

Jim McLaughlin

Executive Producer

Jim brings projects and people together. He forms bonds with our clients as he understands their circumstances and calmly faces life’s challenges.

Jim is an owner of the firm, a skilled senior consultant, and a senior project manager responsible for all aspects of our project delivery. His role includes directing cross-functional teams within our agency and on the client side. In addition, he manages our staff and resources and leads the effort to get our digital projects designed, produced, and delivered. He’s a Microsoft Certified Professional with a 25-year history in software, data systems, and information technology.

Over his career, Jim has embraced technology and its integration with commerce and art. With a unique background in the business + creative + IT world, he approaches projects through the eyes of both a creative designer and an engineer.

He is the right-brain, left-brain guy in our group, and his creative skills include photography, graphic & print design, web design, and writing. His technical skills include web development and data-based software design & development. One of Jim’s key strengths is quality assurance, and he’s helped with several client initiatives to achieve ISO and other certifications.

Jim attended Washington University and Webster University in St. Louis. In September 2013, he finished a 3 year Masters program at Berklee College of Music in Boston.

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